National Association of Drug Court Professionals Selects North Carolina’s Recovery Courts to Build New Training Infrastructure
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The National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) has announced plans to work with North Carolina court officials to build a new training infrastructure for teams who work with our state’s Recovery Courts.
“This as an opportunity for us to strengthen and empower our Recovery Courts to better serve participants and North Carolinians through the best practice standards,” said NCAOC Court Programs Director Asia Prince who oversees Recovery Courts. “We need a variety of experienced, knowledgeable professionals who understand the importance of best practice standards as they relate to these courts to provide ongoing training.”
Developing this new training infrastructure requires training professionals to train others. The plan is to “train the trainers” to instruct local Recovery Court teams on best practices to help improve their organization, operations, and productivity. Recovery Court teams are comprised of judges, district attorneys, defense attorneys, court coordinators, treatment professionals, probation officers, law enforcement staff, Guardian ad Litem staff, social workers, peer support specialists, and other service providers.
The 2-day orientation will be held at the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts in Raleigh on January 19-20, 2023.
About Recovery Courts
North Carolina Recovery Courts are designed to assist chemically dependent offenders with their court ordered treatment plans.
Recovery Courts handle chemically dependent individuals in adult criminal court, juvenile, and abuse, neglect, and dependency cases. Recovery Courts also serve veterans and people with mental health issues who find themselves in court. The program offers individualized treatment plans which include counseling, supervision, drug testing, sanctions, and incentives for meeting recovery goals.
For two decades NADCP has been a leader in the justice reform movement at the international, national, state and local level. NADCP works to create and enhance treatment courts including adult, juvenile, family, reentry and tribal drug courts, DWI Courts, and Veterans Treatment Courts. NADCP and its divisions have trained over 500,000 justice and treatment professionals in thousands of jurisdictions