
Find or search for the judicial forms you need to fill out for your legal purposes.


Find online services for payments, citations, court notifications, Guide & File, eFiling, request an interpreter, and more.

Going to court?

Get started and prepare for what to expect when arriving at your courthouse.

Do Your Career Justice, career opportunities available, courthouse columns in background

Career Opportunities Available! Find Judicial Branch job postings and vacancies for all counties statewide, including legal assistants, deputy clerks, and more.

All Things Judicial Podcast logo

Listen to the latest podcast about the important role of the North Carolina Judicial Branch in state government.

Don't be a victim of the jury duty scam

Learn about recent scams, how to protect yourself and avoid falling victim to jury service scams.

Request a speaker - Speakers Bureau - microphone

A free, public service provided by the judicial community of North Carolina. Request a speaker for your civics education event.

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North Carolina courts are transitioning from paper to digital. Find information, training materials, and learn more. eCourts Services are now available in 62 counties:

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Upcoming Judicial Branch holiday
Good Friday Holiday