Remote Public Access Program

More Information
RPA Current Licensees
RPA information for current licensees.
RPA Prospective Licensees and Access Options
NCAOC offers online remote access to and data extract files of criminal and civil case information.
RPA Resources
Resources for the Remote Public Access Program.
The North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts (NCAOC) offers access to criminal and civil court data in all 100 North Carolina counties through its Remote Public Access Program (RPA). RPA licensees have access to statewide data using NCAOC's RPA Legacy and RPA Cloud systems.
Statutory AuthorityThe North Carolina General Assembly has authorized the NCAOC to enter into non-exclusive contracts with third parties to facilitate remote electronic access to court records by the public. Payments made pursuant to these contracts are deposited in the Court Information Technology Fund to be used for court information technology and office automation needs within the Judicial Branch. The following statutes provide the statutory authority for RPA:
- G.S. 7A-109(d) and (e) Record-keeping procedures
- G.S. 7A-343.2 Court Information Technology Fund
Access OptionsRPA offers two options for access to ACIS and VCAP data:
If you have any questions, please contact RPA.