Data and Statistics
In conjunction with transparency and accountability efforts, the Judicial Branch provides access to data and information online to the general public. The Judicial Branch fiscal year is July 1 to June 30.

View Court Data Dashboard
Browse and analyze Judicial Branch statistics at the statewide and county level on the data visualization platform.
Civil Reports
Civil Issue Filings/Order Results
This report provides county-level and statewide statistics on every civil issue type that can be attached to a civil case.
Civil Overall Caseload Activity Report
This report provides county-level and statewide statistics for filed, pending, and disposed civil cases for the given fiscal year.
District Domestic Aging Analysis Report
This report provides county-level and statewide statistics on civil domestic cases in district court for the given fiscal year.
Foreclosure Filings
This report displays county-level and statewide counts of foreclosures filings by calendar year.
Superior Court Civil Aging Analysis Report
This report provides county-level and statewide statistics on civil domestic cases in superior court for the given fiscal year.
Criminal / Infraction Reports
Civil License Revocation Activity Report
This report provides county-level and statewide statistics on the revocation of driver’s licenses.
Criminal/Infraction Case Activity Report by County
This report provides county-level and statewide statistics on criminal case types for the given fiscal year.
Criminal/Infraction Case Activity Report by Prosecutorial District
This report provides prosecutor-level (District Attorney) and statewide statistics on criminal case types for the given fiscal year.
Felony Case Activity Report
This report provides county-level and statewide statistics on all felony offenses for the given fiscal year.
Impaired Driving Charges
This report displays county-level and statewide counts of the total number of filed and disposed charges in a given fiscal year that fall into the broad categories of impaired driving and implied consent.
Infraction Case Activity Report
This report provides county-level and statewide statistics on all infractions offenses for the given fiscal year.
Misdemeanor Motor Vehicle Case Activity Report
This report provides county-level and statewide statistics on all misdemeanor motor vehicle offenses for the given fiscal year.
Misdemeanor Non-Motor Vehicle Case Activity Report
This report provides county-level and statewide statistics on all misdemeanor non-motor vehicle offenses for the given fiscal year.
Public Defender Case Disposition Activity Report
This report provides county-level and statewide statistics on disposed criminal cases for the given fiscal year.
Related Information and Reports
N.C. Courts Offense Codes and Classes
Find and search offense codes, including descriptions, classes, and General Statutes.
North Carolina Judicial Branch Annual Reports
The Annual Report of the North Carolina Judicial Branch by fiscal year (July 1 to June 30).
North Carolina Courts Statistical and Operational Reports
Annual statistical and operational reports for appellate courts, budget and financial, court programs, human resources, and trial courts.
North Carolina Judicial Branch Fact Sheets
Quick facts about the North Carolina Judicial Branch for the fiscal year.
Judicial Branch Publications
Judicial reports, statistics, fact sheets, and more to inform stakeholders and the public on various court-related matters.
Remote Public Access Program
The North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts (NCAOC) offers access to criminal and civil court data in all 100 North Carolina counties through its Remote Public Access Program (RPA). RPA licensees have access to data in NCAOC's Automated Criminal/Infractions System (ACIS) and Civil Case Processing System (VCAP). Learn more or begin the licensing process.