Caring for You

Resources and recommendations from the Virus Fatigue Working Group for judicial personnel and the legal community.

Caring for YOU banner

As we begin our journey back by expanding court operations, we want you to know that we are acutely aware that this has been a difficult time for everyone. Being isolated has been hard for some, and easy for others. Working from home has been a nice break for some, but incredibly difficult for others as they have had to juggle parenting, home schooling, and work all in one day. Some have lost family members to the illness, many continue to live in fear of this virulent virus. We have watched unemployment sky rocket, bringing devastation in its wake.

We want you to know that the North Carolina courts are aware of how hard this has been, and that we are here for you. We care about you and have been hard at work assembling resources for you and your family to access. We hope you will choose to seek the help you need for yourself and your family and be supportive of your co-workers as they too navigate this uncharted journey back to the courthouse.

In an effort to support our Judicial Branch personnel and legal community during these difficult times, the Virus Fatigue Subcommittee of the Judicial Branch COVID-19 Task Force has compiled new resources for you:

  1. Caring for YOU: A video designed to promote awareness among court personnel about the stress induced by the crisis and to urge them to pay attention to self-care.
  2. Caring for YOU: This document addresses signs and symptoms of stress, contains suggestions for self-care during these challenging times, and offers resources for additional information and for those who may need more help.
    COVID Caring for YOU Self-Care cover
    Related printable materials are:
    1. A companion one-page graphic chart, also titled Caring for YOU
      Caring for YOU companion one-page graphic
    2. A “Help Now!” poster produced by the Trauma Resource Institute.
      Help Now poster

The road ahead is uncertain. Things may not go as smoothly as we would like. But as we work together to find out what our “new normal” is going to be, we ask that you be kind and patient with one another. We are in this together, and we will get to our destination only by supporting one another in the best ways we know how.

View the members of the Virus Fatigue Working Group.