All Things Judicial Features an Interview with Former Supreme Court of North Carolina Associate Justice David M. Britt
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The latest episode of the All Things Judicial podcast features a 2005 interview with former Supreme Court of North Carolina Associate Justice David M. Britt. Before serving on the Supreme Court, Britt held the office of Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives where he was instrumental in establishing the unified court system in North Carolina. Britt was then appointed by Governor Dan K. Moore to serve as one of the six original members of the North Carolina Court of Appeals. In 1978, Britt was elected as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, where he served until 1982. Britt was most proud of his work to unify North Carolina's court system.
"It was one of the reasons I went to the legislature, was to help in the efforts to have a unified court system in North Carolina," Britt said on the podcast. "Every county in the state had a different type of local court from what anybody else had."
The interview was conducted by former North Carolina Court of Appeals Chief Judge Sidney Eagles and is part of the Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism's historical video series. A video of this interview can be viewed on the Judicial Branch YouTube Channel.