Five Judicial Branch Employees Receive Prestigious Caswell Award
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Congratulations are due to the five Judicial Branch employees who are recipients of the 2021 Richard Caswell Award for their 45 years of service to the North Carolina Judicial Branch, the State of North Carolina, and the people of our great state.
Those being honored are Michael Huneycutt, Clerk of Superior Court in Stanly County; Shirley G. Johnson, Clerk of Superior Court in Hertford County; Evelyn L. McLeod, Clerk of Superior Court in Hoke County; Ides A. Pettaway, Deputy Clerk in Edgecombe County; and Laurinda O. Robertson, a Civil Procedure Specialist in Raleigh.
“I would like to extend my congratulations, and thank them for their dedication and commitment of excellence,” Chief Justice Paul Newby said. “I appreciate the determination and effort this year’s recipients have demonstrated during their careers, and their vital role in helping ensure that every North Carolinian experience fair and impartial justice in our court system. They have made significant contributions to help fulfill our mission of equal justice for all.”
The prestigious Caswell Award is reserved for employees who have achieved the milestone of 45 years of service to the State of North Carolina. Administered by the Office of State Human Resources, this award recognizes employees for providing valuable and extended services in all areas of State government. It is named after Richard Caswell, who served as North Carolina’s first governor (1776-80, 1784-87), clerk of court in Orange County, state controller, and state senator. Like the award's namesake, honorees demonstrate an extraordinary commitment and dedication to the public.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, there will not be an in-person ceremony this year. Instead, the Office of State Human Resources is sending a congratulatory announcement with video message from Governor Roy Cooper and State Human Resources Director Barbara Gibson. Watch the announcement on YouTube.
Again, congratulations on this wonderful milestone!