All Things Judicial Features Interview with Criminal Defense Attorney Robert L. McMillan, Jr.
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The latest episode of All Things Judicial features an interview with Raleigh attorney Robert L. McMillan, Jr. Focusing primarily on criminal defense, McMillan was licensed to practice law in 1949 and practiced almost continuously for more than 50 years – with the only interruption being called into military service for the Korean War. During the interview, McMillan shares about his early years in Wake and Scotland counties, serving in the United States Marine Corps during WWII and Korea, and he reminds listeners that the practice of law is a professional calling. The interview was conducted by Raleigh attorneys Wade and Roger Smith in 2012 for the Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism.
"The criminal defense lawyer makes his contribution to our system of government, not when he gets an acquittal for his client. He makes his contribution when he does his very best," said McMillan on the podcast. "Sometimes it's an acquittal, far more often there's a guilty verdict or a guilty plea, but he does it within the confines and the framework of our system of justice."
This interview is part of the Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism's Historic Video Series. A video of this interview can be found on the NCcourts YouTube channel.